Case Studies
Pathfinder has extensive experience developing solutions and providing superior equipment for a wide variety of clients and applications.
Application of Robotics in Material Handling Systems
Oldcastle Northfield | Shakopee, MN, U.S.
Featured Products: Robotic Pallet Accumulator – TIGER
Looking to improve their pallet accumulation efficiency, concrete masonry and hardscape products manufacturer Oldcastle Northfield turned to Pathfinder Systems and TIGER Machines for help.
Reimers Kaufman Replaces Old Machine Without Replacing Existing Foundations
Reimers Kaufman | Lincoln, NE, U.S.
Featured Products: CC Cuber – TIGER
When Reimer Kaufman’s 5-at-a-time block machine needed to be replaced with a modern machine with lower height changeover times, they turned to trusted vender TIGER Machines and their partner Pathfinder Systems.
Custom Solution for Handling and Automated Feeding of CMUs
A Concrete Product Manufacturer | U.S.
Featured Products: LMS Polishing Machine – GMM
As a long-term customer of Pathfinder Systems, this concrete product manufacturer knew exactly where to turn for guidance in creating a custom solution for handling and automated feeding of CMUs into their processes.
New Battery-Operated Wireless Rack Crawler
Calstone | Gilroy, CA, U.S.
Featured Products: Wireless Rack Crawler – TIGER
When Calstone producers needed a custom low-profile rack crawler that used less concrete than the typical high-profile crawler, they came to Pathfinder & TIGER Machines or a solution.
Midwest Block, USA, Updates Two Facilities with New Generation Machinery
Midwest Block | Tulsa, OK, U.S.
Featured Products: Model S – TIGER
When both of their Tulsa facility production lines needed expensive repairs and upgrades, Midwest Block turned to Pathfinder for a more affordable and efficient solution; the Model S-3 Concrete Products Machine.
Contractor’s Champion: Ambitious Production Line Fuels Bigger and Bolder Pursuits
Cambridge Pavers, Inc. | Lyndhurst, NJ, U.S.
Featured Products: PS 1000 – TIGER, Allcure System – CureTec
Mainstay hardscape unit brand Cambridge Pavers, Inc. filled their new 150,000 square foot concrete paving stone and segmental retaining wall plant with TIGER Machines. Including inline splitters, cubing and packaging devices.
Cambridge Pavers, Inc. Builds New Plant with State-of-the-Art Equipment
Cambridge Pavers, Inc. | Lyndhurst, NJ, U.S.
Featured Service: Facility Development – TIGER, MERTs, CureTec
When they needed production equipment for their new 150,000 square foot plant, Cambridge chose Pathfinder Systems not only for their product quality, but for their quality long-term support and partnerships.
Rack System and Concrete Curing Solution for a New, High Capacity Plant
Basalite Concrete Products | Surrey, BC, Canada
Featured Products: Curing Tents – CureTec
Pathfinder Systems and partner, CureTec provided Basalite Concrete Products with a rack and curing system compatible with their new, high-capacity TIGER TG-6 concrete manufacturing plant. A system that could cure a variety of products, including retaining wall units, pavers and blocks.
Increasing the Utilization of the Existing Fleet by Increasing Plant Speed
Concrete Ready Mix Producers | Florida, U.S.
Featured Products: EZ Batch Plants – MERTs
Pathfinder Systems helped two concrete ready mix producers in Florida put more cubic yards per hour into their job sites with MERTs EZ and Big EZ modular batch plants.
Allied Installs TIGER Model S-6
Allied Concrete | Richmond, Virginia, U.S.
Featured Products: Model S – TIGER
Allied Concrete approached Pathfinder Systems to replace an aging block production machine with a modern option for speed of operation, consistent products and lower costs of operation.
Leveraging Automation to Boost Sales
Pathfinder Systems | Holland, MI, U.S.
Featured Products: Model S – TIGER
In today’s competitive business landscape, efficiency,
quality, and responsiveness are key drivers of success for
concrete production plants.